The chocolate fountain is a simple mechanism made of stainless steel, consisting of a motor with a thermostat that keeps the chocolate at the right temperature to achieve the desired fluidity, a tower with discs in different sizes and levels, and an auger that remains inside them. Once the motor is activated and the auger starts to rotate, the chocolate is propelled outwards, creating a beautiful continuous cascade of Belgian chocolate, creating a unique experience for both the eye and the palate.
Rental of chocolate fountain without service:
At ChocoFruit Fondue, we consider important the presence of an operator who controls the entire development of the event. Fruits and complements need to be supplied regularly, as well as the chocolate, and the fountain must always be clean and polished. Guests should also be advised on how to taste the chocolate fountain. We do not insist on the presence of the operator but from the ChocoFruit Fondue experience we highly recommend it.
When we see the chocolate flowing we take it for granted that it comes out hot, but the chocolate fountain is designed to operate in all seasons. Thanks to its thermostat and the quality of the coating of our Belgian chocolate, once melted we can give it the temperature we want so that in hot weather the chocolate will flow cold so that we can enjoy the fruit frozen and prepared for the occasion. However, in winter, we will raise the temperature of the thermostat creating a great contrast between the warm chocolate and the cold fruit.

Types of Chocolates
White Chocolate: For those with a sweet tooth, this chocolate is the sweetest. With a yellowish white tone, this delicious chocolate made mainly from cocoa butter, will not go unnoticed, delighting the sweetest guests!
Milk Chocolate: This is the one most chosen by our customers, as it is the balance between the other two chocolates.Â
With a slight hazelnut flavour, it will make a small homage to the much-loved Nutella Hazelnut Chocolate.
Raspberry Chocolate: Although less common, with a pinkish hue, this chocolate stands out for its characteristic strawberry/raspberry flavour and aroma. Specially prepared for the most extravagant palates.
Coloured Chocolate: As simple as adding a special colouring to our White Chocolate, without altering the flavour, we will get the tone we want. Red, pink, blue, black, yellow, green, violet, orange? Get the corporate colour to surprise your guests.
The full rental service includes:
- Qualified and uniformed operator for source control and handling.
- 2h min service.
- Chocolate fountain with illuminated methacrylate base.
- All the kitchenware : napkins, chopsticks, trays,...
- 10kg min of the best Belgian Chocolate
- Supporting table (if the venue cannot provide it)
- Free buffet of fruit, sweets and pastries (our operator will be in charge of continually replenishing).
- Assembly, disassembly and cleaning of all machinery.